Organizational Development

Organizational Development

Service to gather data and information, in a structured and confidential manner, with respect to a problematic organizational situation, such as an unhealthy workplace environment or a conflict. Once a diagnosis is made about the various causes of the problem, our specialists suggest corrective measures and then support management in developing a strategy and improvement plan.

Change Management Support

Strategic service offered to company directors when they are introducing a major change having a direct impact on employees and senior leaders. Based on the fundamental principles of change management and organizational psychology, this service makes it easier to accept and properly implement the desired change. It also offers support to managers in the implementation of action plans and solutions following an engagement survey.

Conflict Management

Support service to help management resolve persistent conflicts between individuals or teams. Using core principles of psychology, our specialists help the different parties to negotiate solutions and establish points of agreement that are mutually satisfactory.

Nouvelle :
Consultant, Organizational Psychology - Assessor Profile

Près de 60 personnes à votre service.

Six bureaux à travers le Québec et la région d'Ottawa.

Professionnalisme et compétence accompagnent tous nos dossiers.

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Partenaire international

For more information on our services, feel free to contact Louise Lalonde at 1 888 844-9160 ext. 3221
or by e-mail at llalonde.