Career Management and Transition

Equipping individuals with impactful strategies :

  • Quality guidance customized to the reality of each person
  • Knowledge of diverse industries and sectors
  • Positive and engaging approach

Talent Assessment and Selection

Providing support to senior leaders in making informed decisions with:

  • Relevant and timely processes and protocols
  • Precision and rigour of results
  • Attunement to the organization's context and issues

Executive Coaching

Accelerating the development of senior leaders and their teams by:

  • Clear and business-relevant objectives
  • A flexible, customized approach
  • A positive mindset of continuous improvement

Organizational Development

Promoting engagement and synergy to drive business performance:

  • Clear insights into organizational challenges and opportunities
  • Understanding to the organization’s context and issues
  • Identification of winning strategies driving continuous improvement

Nouvelle :
Consultant, Organizational Psychology - Assessor Profile

Près de 60 personnes à votre service.

Six bureaux à travers le Québec et la région d'Ottawa.

Professionnalisme et compétence accompagnent tous nos dossiers.

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Trouver un bureau :

Partenaire international

For more information on our services, feel free to contact Louise Lalonde at 1 888 844-9160 ext. 3221
or by e-mail at llalonde.